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About US

The Madison Conservation District (MCD) works locally to fulfill the state’s policy to conserve soil, water, and other natural resources of the state. The MCD covers all areas within voting precincts 15 and 20. The MCD receives funding from a Madison County mill levy, and is guided by a board of supervisors with a shared concern for the health of the land and the region’s resources.  Project and program funding is secured from grants, and leveraged with county funds to support ongoing activities.


Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act: (75-7-101 et seq. MCA)- Any private individual or corporation that proposes to work in or near perennial streams or rivers within our area must first apply for a permit from the Madison Conservation District.

Water Quality: MCD is responsible for nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control at the local level through the 310 Permit process. We also have a highly successful volunteer water monitoring program, the Madison Stream Team. We work with federal and state agencies to identify and prioritize areas affected by NPS pollution, and provide feedback and planning support for the development of TMDL documents.

Watershed Planning: MCD coordinates and/or participates in local efforts to increase the effectiveness of resource management and planning activities on private, county, state and federal land.

Education: MCD engages in educational activities with people of all ages to help them understand the value of conservation and how best to accomplish it.

Riparian Management: MCD sponsor and conduct landowner workshops, produces and distributes informational materials, and conducts demonstration projects and tours of riparian management techniques.


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