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Lower Jack Creek Request for Qualifications

This page contains information on the Lower Jack Creek Request for Qualifications.
Lower Jack RFQ MCD Due 3.24.17

Lower Jack Creek Draft SOW

The following are questions that have been posed to the MCD, and their associated answers.

  • The Feasibility Study states that an estimated final design and permitting cost would be $7950, which includes a wetland delineation estimated to cost $3750. Is that the available budget for this project?

That amount has been secured for those tasks currently.  However, the selected firm will be asked to submit an updated cost estimate for all tasks during the contract negotiation process.  Additional funding can be sought if necessary.

  • Is the alternative shown in the Feasibility Study a hard and fast concept that shall not be deviated from? For example, is the use of rock toe for all bank treatments the desired/required approach?

The selected engineering firm should provide a final design that incorporates “soft engineering” techniques appropriate for the site, achieves the goals of the project as described in the Draft Scope of Work, and is suitable for use in permitting and bid package development. Any alternatives to the Feasibility study designs must meet the goals of the project.

  • The proposed finished grade lines on the cross sections in the Feasibility Study show filling of the pool thalweg as part of the proposed design. Is a final design that doesn’t fill pools acceptable?  It will make permitting quite a bit easier.

The selected engineering firm should provide a final design that incorporates “soft engineering” techniques appropriate for the site, achieves the goals of the project as described in the Draft Scope of Work, and is suitable for use in permitting and bid package development. Any alternatives to the Feasibility study designs must meet the goals of the project.

  • Are you and the CD currently happy with the work you have received from the Gillilan/Allied team so far on this project, or is there reason to believe that the CD is interested in potentially hiring a new consultant team.

The MCD is required under MCA 76-15-1004 to publish a Request For Qualifications for Projects where services of an Engineering firm have an estimated value that exceeds $20,000.  Although the GAI alternatives analysis design estimated these tasks to be below this value, MCD recognizes there may be a possibility that the selected firm may provide a cost estimate that exceeds this value, therefore creating a situation where MCD must adhere to procurement requirements.

  • Will the results of this SOQ process be used to procure any other Madison CD projects other than the lower Jack Creek Restoration Project? (i.e. will the CD use these SOQs to develop a pre-qualified engineer’s list that might be used for other projects?)

Any decisions on the development of a pre-qualified engineer’s list would need to be considered by the Board of Supervisors during a regular business meeting.  This has not been discussed previously.

  • Is there any reason the Gillilan and Associates / Allied Engineering team would not be allowed to submit an SOQ for this project?

Any firm meeting the qualifications is eligible to submit a Statement of Qualifications.

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