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Winter Workshop: Livestock Parasites

Join us for the next Winter Workshop, Tuesday, January 21st from 12:00 – 2:00 pm. It will be held in the Basement Conference room of the First Madison Valley Bank.

We are pleased to welcome Dave Scott, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) Livestock Specialist to give a presentation titled, Worm No More: Outwitting the Parasite.

Without question, parasites have the means to circumvent any chemical de-wormer we can throw at them. Here is how to beat them at their own game: Grazing 501.  This presentation is subtitled Grazing 501 because normally when we begin a grazing program, we just get the cows out there and see what happens for a few years. Controlling parasites through grazing strategies is usually something we recognize the need for after we have gotten into trouble, hence the graduate level designation.  This workshop is $5 and includes lunch.

Please RSVP by noon, Thursday, January 16th by calling the MCD Office at 682-3181 so w e can plan for an accurate meal count.  Meals cannot be guaranteed if you RSVP after this date.

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