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CDs Seek 2015 Stewardship Nominees

Do you know a local resident who makes an effort to take care of the land and water?  Do they go out of their way to try something new?  Do they make an effort to educate others?  Isn’t it time to give them some well-earned recognition?  Consider nominating them for the 2015 Stewardship Award, and give them the honor they deserve.

The Madison and Ruby Valley Conservation Districts are looking for nominations for their annual Stewardship Awards.  These awards, presented each year at the Conservation Districts’ banquet, honor local people that have made a strong commitment to conservation and stewardship of natural resources in our area.  An award will be given to an outstanding steward from each district.

The awards seek to recognize the important role that private landowners and residents play in the conservation of natural resources, and to capture the stories of successful conservation projects and efforts.  Good candidates for the awards should demonstrate stewardship efforts that provide lasting benefits to the landscape, natural resources, and community.

Any resident of the Madison Conservation District or the Ruby Valley Conservation District can be nominated for an award.  Winners of the awards will receive two tickets to the 2015 banquet, recognition of their efforts at the banquet, and a framed photo with a plaque.

To nominate someone outstanding in the Madison Valley and Harrison/Pony area, download the nomination form below, and send nominations for residents of the Madison Conservation District to ATTN: Sunni Heikes-Knapton, PO Box 606, Ennis, MT  59729 or

In the Ruby Valley, send nominations for residents of the Ruby Valley Conservation District to ATTN: Rebecca Ramsey, PO Box 295, Sheridan, MT 59749 or

Nominations are due by 5:00 PM March 6, 2015, and the awards will be given at the banquet on April 18 in Virginia City.


The 2015 Stewardship Award Winners- the Bar K Ranch of Cameron
The 2014 Stewardship Award Winners- the Bar K Ranch of Cameron
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