Lawrence Anderson
As soon as Lawrence and his wife settled in Ennis five years ago, ending years of permanent RV-ing all over the United States. As soon as they landed in the Madison Valley, and Lawrence discovered the Madison Stream Team, he got involved.
“I got an email looking for volunteers, and I got involved right away”, he says. “They’ve done some pretty cool projects, and I had some experience that was relevant to their work.”
Anderson spent nearly 15 years as a power plant operator in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and that experience gave him extensive knowledge of water quality and the collection of data. So he joined the Stream Team, which monitors water quality around the Madison River Valley to identify threats to the health of local streams, and identify solutions.
So far, Anderson has worked on multiple Stream Team reclamation projects, volunteered with the Madison River Foundation and collected data on nearly half of the streams the Madison Conservation District monitors. He’s become an integral part of a team protecting one of southwestern Montana’s most pristine natural resources.
Story by Reagan Coyler of the Madisonian Newspaper, originally published Sept. 20, 2018.